Sunday, January 18, 2009

So it Begins

So for some time I have been fascinated with the age old art and craft of building stringed instruments, namely acoustic guitars. As this fascination grown it also harvest a festering interest in actually building my own guitar. Around the same time, another interest decided to make itself known to me and my ever evolving eclectic taste in music, was that of gypsy jazz music made famous in the 30's by the guitarist Django Reinhardt. When it comes to guitars, there is only one that is synonomous with Gypsy Jazz or Django and that is the Selmer Maccafferi Guitar.   When I was googling around the web on these guitars I stumbled upon a book written by a luthier in Canada, Micheal Collins,  that illustrates how to build one of these guitars.   So from that point I said to myself "hell.. why not!"  Thus starting my odyssey into the wonderous world of lutherie!

So it will be an interesting experience to say the least, I have no formal training in the craft. I will be learning as I go, however I have a determination that rivals a famished lion hell bent on catching its prey, a razor sharp attention to detail that is sharp as a razor, and just a natural knack when it comes to build things. So I figure I'll either end up with a half decent guitar or a very expensive  bushel of firewood. Either way it will be a good experience.

I'll try to keep this updated as much as possible, this also my first real shot at making a blog as well. I figured it would be a good medium to chronicle my progress and endeavours as I have seen others do the same.  Anyrate, its late, got work in the morning,  so hopefully I'll find some time soon in the near future to bring this blog up to speed as to where I am currently with the project.   Thanks for readin!


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